Monday, January 8, 2007

A Map for Change

One quite successful friend of mine told me he saw 3 key principles at work in growing an enterprise.

First, he said, in order to grow, a company has to maintain its customer base. Growth cannot take place if you neglect those who helped establish your business. That makes clear sense to me.

Secondly, in order to grow you have to work within your current model, he said. You do what's been working while you look to integrate a new method or approach.

But to experience growth, he told me, you've have to explore new ways, new technology while in the process of maintaining what you have.

I try to see this conceptually. In words it's logical. In application, it seems fairly easy to understand. I want to see the application of change however as an image, so that when I'm confronted with various degrees of effort or disappointment, I have a visual map by which to plot my way through.

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