Friday, December 29, 2006

In Desperate Prayer

I fell to my knees beside my bed and prayed for rescue. I begged God for help, confessing my weakness and the sin in all I had done. I poured out my fears on weeping tongue and laid my troubles before Him. "Oh God of Mercy, help me," I cried. "In your great Love, hear me!" My plea was all my heart. Exhausted, I gave in to anguished sleep.

In a dream, I saw a silent angel standing nearby, sentinal to my cause. He was a warring angel, not burdened by emotions such as mine.

Present to defend me, I knew he was capable. He was not there for me to worship, but for me to understand that I was not alone against my enemy.

The fight was greater than my own. I saw that it had little to do with circumstance. The war was in the heavens. That which came against me was manifest proof. I was to trust God, the Creator of my being. I knew this by insight in the place of dreams. without language spoken.

When I woke, the anguish was gone; the fear, dissipated. And the dream stayed with me, not to be forgotten.

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